Mining Htmlcoin Cryptocurrency
Initial Htmlcoin QT Setup
1) Download latest Htmlcoin and install. * Do not run Htmlcoin yet.
2) Go to Start, Programs, HTMLCOIN, then Right Click on HTMLCOIN, More, Open File Location
3) Right click on HTMLCOIN shortcut, Properties, and edit Target
4) Replace USERNAME and PASSWORD below and add everything to the end of `htmlcoin-qt.exe`:
-server -rpcuser=USERNAME -rpcpassword=PASSWORD -rpcport=4889 -rpcallowip=
* For Windows 64-bit, the target line should look like:
C:\Program Files (x86)\HTMLCOIN2\htmlcoin-qt.exe -server -port=4888 -rpcport=4889 -rpcuser=USERNAME -rpcpassword=PASSWORD -rpcallowip=
5) Start HTMLCOIN QT wallet. This will sync the blockchain and act as a daemon for your miner at the same time.
Configure a Miner
- OpenCL - AMD/Intel GPUs
1) Download BFGMiner for Windows or BFGMiner for Linux and unzip into Downloads/BFGMiner folder.
2) Open Command Prompt (Admin), navigate to Downloads/BFGMiner
3) Replace USERNAME and PASSWORD below with the same configuration as above.
./bfgminer.exe -S opencl:auto -o http://localhost:4889 -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD --no-gbt
4) Paste the above command into the Command Prompt
1) Download CCMiner for Windows or CCMiner for Linux and unzip into Downloads/CCMiner folder.
2) Open Command Prompt (Admin), navigate to Downloads/CCMiner
3) Replace USERNAME and PASSWORD below with the same configuration as above.
./ccminer-x64.exe -a htmlcoin -o -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD –no-stratum
4) Paste the above command into the Command Prompt