Htmlcoin on Raspberry Pi

Download Htmlcoin Linux 64


Htmlcoin 64bit (Recommended from Raspberry Pi 2 - Raspberry Pi 4)

Download Htmlcoin Linux 32

Htmlcoin 32bit

The QT version works and is usable but you will find better performance with the "htmlcoind" version as it doesn't have a desktop, only command line.

Complete Walk Through

Pi Zero RAM restrictions

To ensure stability, you need to enable SWAP.

What is SWAP anyway?

SWAP enables "virtual memory", it uses a portion of your disk to store data that cannot be stored in RAM, this helps devices like the Pi Zero to continue running without crashing even if the applications are using more than the 512MB RAM included with the Pi Zero.

How do we enable SWAP?

Enabling SWAP on the Pi Zero is extremely easy:

Installation of Htmlcoin

In order to launch Htmlcoin, we need to go install it.

Follow instructions on linux installation of Htmlcoin.

Syncing can take anything from a couple of hours to a day, please be patient.

Protecting access with a basic firewall

Well, our raspberry is only for staking, there's no need to have all those ports open, let's close everything we don't need and only allow access to necesary services.

First, let's install UFW (uncomplicated firewall) which is an easy-to-use interface for iptables

sudo apt install ufw

Once this is installed, we proceed with access permissions, we will define which ports will be accessible. Let's check first what's open:

sudo ufw status This should show something like this:

Status: active

To Action From

-- ------ ----

22 ALLOW Anywhere

Ok so it's time to start closing down access, type the following:

sudo ufw default deny incoming

sudo ufw allow 3888/tcp

Here we've defined the basics, closing down everything except port 4888 and 4889 which are used by Htmlcoin to function.

If you're using SSH, it's recommended to only allow access from local network.

sudo ufw allow from to any port 22

Binaries available on Raspberry Pi

Launching Htmlcoin daemon

All we need to do to launch the Htmlcoin daemon is type: htmlcoind -daemon

As soon as you type this, the wallet will create the wallet.dat file among other files (if they’re not already there). The wallet will run and begin syncing instantly from the other Blockchain nodes, this can take a few hours to complete so you can go ahead and have some coffee and let it synchronize.

Launching Htmlcoin-Qt

If you're using Raspberry Pi desktop interface, all you need to do is navigate to the applications menu->other->htmlcoin-qt

Encrypting wallet

We can encrypt the wallet at any time, it's better to do it before we go any further.

To do this, type the following on the command line:

htmlcoin-cli encryptwallet yourpassword

This will encrypt the wallet which in turn closes the daemon, you'll see the following message:

wallet encrypted; Htmlcoin server stopping, restart to run with encrypted wallet. If you already backed up before encrypting, you need to make a new backup.

htmlcoin-cli getaccountaddress "" -> Right after launching the daemon, you can obtain your wallet address by typing this.

You can send Htmlcoin coins to the address we just obtained from the daemon, please remember that those transactions require at least 500+ confirmations before they become mature enough for staking.


Now that we've waited until we have at least 501 confirmations on our received transaction, we are eligible for staking, however, if our wallet is encrypted (which we did for security reasons) we won't be able to stake, let's open our wallet for staking using the command line!.

htmlcoin-cli walletpassphrase password 999999999 true

The above command will unlock the wallet for 31.6 Years! that should be enough for now. Please note, this will not unlock your backup, only the wallet that's running right now.

Now that we've unlocked our wallet, we need to wait until we have more than 501 confirmations to be eligible for staking, if we already do, it's a matter of time which will vary depending on the network weight vs your wallet's weight.

Checking Balance

To check your balance, type htmlcoin-cli getinfo this will show general information, including your available balance and balance in staking

Check transactions

To check your transactions (incoming and outgoing) type htmlcoin-cli listtransactions

Check staking info

To check Htmlcoin's staking information, type htmlcoin-cli getstakinginfo

Staking tips

Staking really depends on network weight vs your wallet’s weight which is based on the amount of coins you have, higher weight increases your chances of staking a block.

If you have a large amount of coins, it’s a good idea to split those up in separate transactions, for instance, if you have 10,000,000 HTMCOIN, it’s better to send 20 transactions of 500,000 HTM each to your wallet, each one generates a UTXO input which will take part in staking. This optimizes the staking process and works much better than just one large HTML input.

If you want to split your coins into different addresses inside your Rasbperry Pi wallet, type the following to obtain new addresses inside your wallet: htmlcoin-cli getnewaddress Each time you type this, you’ll get a new address, HTMLCOIN can generate any amount of addresses you want, but please keep in mind, if you do go over 100 new address, you might want to make a new backup of your wallet

How to backup to a separate device

Making a backup in Raspberry is simple, you only need to copy the wallet.dat file, but how do you export this to another device?

First, we'll download Filezilla, which is an easy to use and secure FTP/SFTP server

Installing is just like any other windows app.

When the installer finishes, we launch Filezilla and are greeted with this screen, let's proceed and add our previously created ssh-key

We go into Edit -> Settings -> SFTP. This will give us the following screen in which we will be able to import our SSH key.

Please note that Filezilla only accepts the private key which is created when the ssh-key was generated.

Here we've already added the ssh key, now we can log into our server

we enter our Raspberry Pi ip address + username (root in this case), leave a blank password because we're using ssh-key to login

Just press ok when prompted, and you'll be able to log in.

Here we can see the /root/ folder of our Raspberry Pi, this is where our wallet runs and has the wallet stored in /root/.htmlcoin we can go ahead and double click the folder which will show us the following:

Now all we need to do is scroll down to wallet.dat, right click and select download from the list. This will download the wallet.dat file to our computer, we've successfully backed up our Htmlcoin wallet!.

Editing Configuration File

How to edit the htmlcoin.conf configuration file.


For htmlcoind use the command getnetworkinfo and check for your address in "subversion":